Part 3 – Create a Flow which displays O365 Admin Message Center Data

Now that we have an azure application which can get our Admin Message center data and a custom Power Automate connector built off that azure app. We can post the data to a SharePoint list and log it into a historical list.

This blog is the third part of a consecutive blog:

  1. Create a History Log of the O365 Message Center Post in a SP List
  2. Create a Power Automate Custom Connector to the Admin O365 Message Center
  3. Create a Flow which displays O365 Admin Message Center Data in SharePoint

1. Create a SharePoint list with the columns listed below:

  1. Message – Single line of text
  2. Category – Single line of text
  3. Severity – Single line of text
  4. BlogLink – Single line of text
  5. ExternalLink – Single line of text
  6. Action Required by – Date
  7. Last Update Time – Date
  8. Full Message – Multi-line Text (enhanced rich text, don’t add to default view)

2. Navigate to Power Automate and create a New Scheduled – from blank Flow. Which is triggered every month.


3. First action will be to use the Custom Connector we created, with the Action we named Read Messages.


4. Now we need to create a Condition. For each item ID we are going to check if it is a Message Center Message. It should automatically add an apply to each wrapped around your Condition.


5. If “Yes” we are going to create an item in our SharePoint list.


When you add the MessageText to the Full Message column another automatic “Apply to Each” will wrap around your create item.

  1. Title > Id
  2. Message > Title
  3. Category > Category
  4. Severity > Severity
  5. BlogLink > BlogLink
  6. ExternalLink > ExternalLink
  7. Action Required By > ActionRequiredBy
  8. Last Update Time > LastUpdatedTime
  9. Full Message > Message Text

6. That’s it, our full flow:


7. Now we have a complete historical log of the O365 Message Center, stored in SharePoint. You could modify this flow to only update when the Last Update Time is changed for perfection.



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